News, tutorials, and other relevant stuff.

Creative Projects for Schools!
a new (sort of) grant funding opportunity from Massachusetts Cultural Council for schools and organizations. (due by midnight Oct 10) ...

Playful Engineers wins 2023-2024 CILC Pinnacle Award
We are thrilled to have won the 2023-2024 Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration Pinnacle Award! This award is bestowed ...

Playful Engineers 3 Step Sequence
Play-based learning is at the heart of everything we do at Playful Engineers. And that’s why we encourage teachers to ...

Chain Reactions: How-to Build a Multi-Track Ball Feeder
A step by step STEAM tutorial on how to build a Track Feeder from your own toys or household materials. ...

Rolling Cone
Rolling means moving along a surface by revolving, or turning over and over, and without sliding. When a cylinder rolls, ...

Popsicle Stick Catapult
A ping-pong ball sits on a tiny rubber band (a rainbow loom, or hair elastic) at the end of a ...

Patient Ping Pong Ball
A ball will sit patiently upon the half-circle at the end of a track. If you are making your own ...

Gather Household Materials
Suggested Materials List Surfaces: table, floor, shelf, counter, flat board, Tools: drill, ruler, scissors, hot glue gun, hole punchers, Toys: ...